RT @INDOBARCA_TNG: #NobarTNG | UCL | PSG vs FCB | Rabu,3/4-13 | at RPM.OTISTA | K.O: 01.45 | OG: 00.30 | HTM= 10K "free 4 Barça Angel"| …

by admin on April 2, 2013

RT @ INDOBARCA_TNG : #NobarTNG | UCL | PSG vs FCB | Rabu,3/4-13 | at RPM .OTISTA | K.O: 01.45 | OG: 00.30 | HTM= 10K “free 4 Barça Angel”| …

Go here to read the rest:
RT @INDOBARCA_TNG: #NobarTNG | UCL | PSG vs FCB | Rabu,3/4-13 | at RPM.OTISTA | K.O: 01.45 | OG: 00.30 | HTM= 10K "free 4 Barça Angel"| …
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